Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Small Step

"Traci, tranquila."

The kind words of a good friend telling me to relax just minutes before I got up to preach my first sermon in Spanish. Amazingly, I really was relaxed. While prior to grabbing the microphone I was concerned about my Spanish, I still felt such a peace and lack of nerves. I want to thank you for praying! I feel really good about how it went. While I am sure my Spanish wasn´t perfect, I communicated what I needed to. The youth leaders had asked me to talk about small groups, so I focused on the important of having Godly community from Hebrews 10:22-25. At the end of the night we had about 20 young people sign up to join a small group. While I am sure I could have been better prepared or that I could have communicated it better, the Lord spoke and moved.

I feel like this was a step in breaking down a wall of Spanish that has been containing me. Always the first is the most difficult. Now that it is done and over with, I feel like I can do it again. I even feel a breakthrough in my conversation in Spanish with friends. This weekend I have been able to have some great conversations with a good friend in which I feel that I have been able to communicate and express my thoughts and feelings well, and that they understood what I was saying. In the past, I have felt that I can´t express myself when there is something deep within me or serious that I want to convey, or that they don´t understand what I mean. But this week I have felt a breakthrough. Even on Sunday in praying for people at the altar, I felt an ease that wasn´t there before. This past week was one small step for me in my language breakthrough, but a giant leap in the Kingdom of God. It is just the beginning.

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