Friday, August 7, 2009

Because of who You are...

"Lord, I worship you because of who you are
Jehovah Jireh, my provider
Jehovah Nissi, Lord you reign in victory
Jehovah Shaalom, my prince of peace
And I worship you because of who you are."

Those lyrics of Vivki Yohe´s song have never been so real to me as they are right now as I am sitting here listening to them. The Lord has been so faithful to me the last two months as I´ve been starting my life here in Morelia.

He truly has been the Lord who provides. Not only did He provide a great apartment in a great location before I got here, but since I have been here He has provided finances, great friends, a refridgerator, a microwave, and even just this week He has provided finances to buy a couch. I am continuely overwhelmed by your generosity and the Lord´s provision. He does provide. He IS Jehovah Jireh.

He has surely continued to reign in victory. He has defeated the enemy and continues to reign. Just the other day I was driving with my friend who had a headache. We prayed for her and the pain left. This past Sunday, after hearing a sermon on living a supernatural life and doing the works that Jesus did, there were hundreds of healings. He does reign. He IS Jehovah Nissi.

He is certainly the Prince of Peace. Many have told me that after the first few months on the mission field, the "honeymoon" period ends and things get rough. I am now at the two month mark and still know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where I am to be. My roomate from college that spent a month here just left this past week and now I´m readjusting to life alone in my apartment again. A pastor friend of mine was here for a week. It was so great to be able to connect with him and speak with someone who really knows me. But just as I was getting used to it, he returned home. Many of my friends are headed back to school this week, and one of my closet friends here just left yesterday to study in the States. It seems like everything here is shifting. With so many things changing, it would be easy to be discouraged, but I have such a peace. He really does provide peace in chaos and change. He IS Jehovah Shaalom.

Despite the incredible things He has been doing in and through me the last two months, it isn´t because of what He´s done... I worship Him because of who He is! ... and He IS good!!!


  1. Hey ... it's Em :) This is a wonderful post! praise Jesus! I love reading things that remind me continually of who He is and how great He is :)
