Friday, July 31, 2009

It's the Little Things

Little things make all the difference. This week has been a week of a lot of little laughs, touches of home, and good times. It has added up to be a very refreshing week for me.
The week started off great as I was able to visit with some friends from the States. Chris Ball, General Secretary of Elim Fellowship (my missions sending organization) and his youth pastor, Matt Essig, were in Morelia this week. This has been especially nice for me. Pastor Chris and I used to work together at Elim Fellowship when I was in the States. We worked very closely in planning the May Leadership Conference and got to know each other well through the process.
On Monday, Larai (my roommate from Elim who is doing her internship here) and I took Pastor Chris and Matt out to show them the town. We went and enjoyed a nice lunch in the center of town right outside the cathedral. We sat and chatted and caught up on the last few months. We then headed to the VIP theater. An incredible theater where waiters bring your food to your seats-seats that recline and are better than a first-class plane ride. We enjoyed some laughs together as Pastor Chris's Spanish use resulted in a very out of context comment about the waiter being "hot". And, well, the whole VIP movie experience will be one none of us will forget. Later we were able to enjoy some Chili's while Rai and I received marriage counseling. Which was ironic as the rest of the table was trying to hook me up with our waiter, Jesús.Now this sounds like an amazing week by itself, but there is more! I was also able to enjoy a delicious hamburger from Applebees. I finally got my cell phone after 2 months... AND, it isn't a lame phone. For the first time in my life I have a good phone (it's an LG Cookie touchscreen). I was able to take a warm shower again after getting my gas tank replaced. I figured out how to light my stove without blowing myself up. I played piano for 10 hours in the house of prayer. And I have been able to enjoy some time with my college roommate as we chat the nights away in my apartment.

Life is good.

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