Monday, June 1, 2009

T Minus 8 Days!

Thank you so much for your prayers! The conference this past week went extremely well. We had over 1100 attendees and it was packed out with nearly every seat full all three evenings! I wasn't able to sit in on the sessions due to my responsibilities, but I have heard nothing but good things and many testimonies of healing. God is so good! My trip to teach a drama yesterday went incredibly well. The three teams were able to learn a 6:35 minute drama in less than 3.5 hours! I was so pleased with how the time went. It was better than I ever expected - so THANK YOU for your prayers! I had such a peace all throughout the conference, even though it was the largest one we have ever hosted, and during my drama training, even with the time constraint. I couldn't have done it without you and your prayers.
I was able to enjoy today off relaxing and catching up on sleep. The rest of the week I will be working some, tying up loose ends from the conference, going to various appointments to prep for leaving, last minute shopping, packing, and saying my goodbyes. Please continue to pray for me as I prep for the big move. I'll write again from Mexico =) only a week from tomorrow!!!
Thanks for all your support and prayer.

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